Why Does My Cat Eat My Other Cat’s Whiskers?

Why Does My Cat Eat My Other Cat's Whiskers?

Cats will eat another cat’s whiskers for a variety of reasons from dominance and control to grooming and bonding. This behavior ranges from cute and adorable to worrisome.

We’re going to break down the reasons your cat is eating your other cat’s whiskers and help you discern if it’s acceptable behavior or if you should be concerned.

Living in a multi-cat household can be both exciting and maybe sometimes a little stressful. Cats are amazing, so multiple cats multiplies the amazingness, right? Well, the answer is obviously both a Yes and a No. 

It’s wonderful to have multiple cats to play with, to pet, to have multiple cats lay in the bed with you. All of the awesomeness that cats bring to your life gets multiplied when you add more to the mix. Sometimes, however, the behaviors of cats in a multi-cat household can be troubling. 

Let’s take a look at why your cat is eating your other cat’s whiskers and see if we can’t help better explain this behavior to you! 

Cats Know When You're Mad!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could peer into your cat’s mind to see what they’re thinking? Ever cat owner ever has looked at their cat(s) at one point or another and wondered what in the world is going on inside their head(s). 

Cats do goofy things, they make questionable decisions, and sometimes it can be really hard to tell what’s going on. Why does my cat do this, why does my cat do that, why does my cat stare at walls? And here we are now, trying to answer “Why does my cat eat my other cat’s whiskers?”

If you have any inkling of a doubt that your cat’s behavior is causing distress to the other cat(s) then please reach out to your vet immediately!

Excessive Grooming

One reason your cat might be chewing off you other cat’s whiskers might be from excessive grooming. Cats groom each other as a way to bond and show affection. Cats learn this behavior when they’re young, so if their mother overgroomed them then your kitty likely overgrooms as well. 

Excessive grooming on a cat’s whiskers can cause them to fall off over time. This behavior is typically seen in younger cats and they almost always grow out of it over time. 

I hate to sound contradictory, but some experts also suggest that kittens who are weened too young will pick up this behavior as well. Either way though, the general consensus is that younger cats typically outgrow this behavior.

Dominance and Control

Another type of whisker-eating behavior that’s been observed was done so for the need to dominate and control. 

Certain cats may not have received proper behavior correction before weening or being taken away from their litter and they may chew or bite on other cats’ whiskers as a way to assert themselves. 


Sometimes when cats get anxious about something they can have some pretty peculiar behaviors. One of these behaviors, although rare, is biting or chewing on another cat’s whiskers. 

Try and pinpoint what’s causing your cat’s anxiety if you believe this is the issue. Have you made any recent changes to the house? Have you moved recently? Has another pet or person been introduced to the household?

Boredom & Stress Reduction

Some cats get bored faster than others. Some cats get stressed out more easily than others. When cats experience boredom or stress they can take on repetitive behaviors, some of which can be detrimental to themselves or other nearby cats. 

One of these behaviors is whisker chewing or whisker biting. If you have a young cat or a cat that’s of an active breed (like Bengals!) then you need to make sure they’re getting proper physical playtime and proper mental stimulation. 

Will My Cat Regrow Their Whiskers?

Yes, a healthy cat should regrow their whiskers. Your cat’s whiskers actually shed from time to time and new ones are regrown during their shed/regrowth cycles. It can be painful for your cat’s whiskers to be bitten, pulled, or cut off, but they do grow back over time. 

Believe it or not, your cat’s whiskers are actually hair! Obviously not the type of hair that covers the rest of their body, but whiskers are a type of hair. Whiskers are considered a type of tactile hair that helps aid cats in everything from navigating tight spaces to indicating what kind of mood they’re in. 

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